Thursday, May 20, 2010


...spells....STREP!!! As in throat. As in strep throat.
Waaaahootie! Lol.
Well, I think it's strep. The doctor did a strep test, and she neither confirmed nor denied that I had strep, meaning she hasn't told us. Barf.
I've NEVER had strep before, and if this is strep, it sucks major balls. Nasty balls. Like, dirty. Smelly. Hair-okay, I'm gonna stop now. xD
I haven't been in school for 2 days, and I probably won't be going tomorrow; I just feel like shit. :(
Well, that's it, really. Nothing exciting happening, besides my brother's college graduation, which was yesterday. I got to meet his girlfriend, she's pretty chill, I like her. And we had some damn good Japanese afterwards. Didn't help the sick situation, seeing as we got home around 11:30, and I had just a little too much of the graduation cake at the reception (hehe), but it was fun.
Okay, enough blogging...bye!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can't you see that it's just raining, there ain't no need to go outside....

*Big sweeping wave* HellOOOOOO!! :D
It's raining, but in a way, it's nice. I mean it's not that perfect summer rain...warm weather, warm rain, just a hint of sunshine peeking through the clouds...Nah, it's just spring rain...a little cold, but refreshing at the same time. I'm a fan.
So, to keep myself from losing all hope in any possible relationships in the future, I've been obsessively listening to Jack Johnson and the I'm A Banana song. I've also been obsessively playing Jack Johnson on the guitar, along with some Ingrid Michaelson (You & I---best song EVER), Regina Spektor (Hotel Song, The Calculation), and Kate Nash songs (Merry Happy :P).
I just don't know what to think anymore. Every single signal that's sent could be read wrong, and it could also be read right. I'm just like...ready to (pretend) not to care at this point. I don't know.
Huh. That's extremely vague. Eh. Who cares? No one reads this. :P
Well, that's all for now....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sometimes I feel like a whore...

No, seriously. I do. Even though I don't do anything whorish, I tend to...IDK. Lol. It's all good though, I guess.
But yeah, I'm not too confused anymore, lol. Just goin' with the flow...

Boo, you whore.

Like yesterday, I'm still confused. :\

Here's the story:
There's a boy,
A nice boy.
And there's a girl,
A nice girl.
The girl likes the boy, she has for a while.
The boy is just confusing the girl,
And she totally wishes he'd stop.
But there's another girl,
She's just a whore.
The nice girl doesn't like her too much,
Because she's a whore and needs to realize she has a boyfriend already.
Unlike some of us.
Boo, you whore.
Anyways, the girl doesn't know what to do,
The boy is acting different than usual...
What could it mean?

Ha. It's like a poem, but really fucked up.
Oh, and if it's not completely obvious, the girl is me, the boy is a boy I may or may not like, and the whore is...a whore. Basically.
Well, that's it. Off to torture my brain with some weird ass Geometry proofs.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I think my brain is slowly imploding...

Oof. My sinuses. Lol.
Turns out my throat hurting before wasn't just a sore throat...I'm sick. But now it's just a combo of a stuffy nose and the high level of pollen up here in Nowhere-land. No biggie. But the pressure that I'm feeling on my brain right now is like insane. Why do sinuses even exist? And why do they get all clogged or whatever so easily?
I tried watching my hamsters (Einstein and Yoko) for some form of entertainment just now, but all they like to do is sleep, to be quite honest. Maybe one day they'll just fuck and Yoko will get pregnant. That should be interesting. xD
So, I spent the whole day watching season 2 & 3 of Degrassi: The Next Generation. If only life was as interesting as it is in that little Canadian high school. STDs, rape, coming out, drugs, alcohol, the works, all in one. It'd be a cornucopia of drama. Ha. I said cornucopia. That calls for a Potter Puppet Pals quote....
"Alas! A cornucopia of love!" -Albus Dumbledore (the PPP version, lol.)
That's it for now!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To reiterate the main theme of my last post....



I'm confused. That's all there is to it. And I lost my voice. Which actually isn't so bad, since NYSSMA is OVER. (I got a 93, btw.) But I'm confused. Very, very confused. In a, "Am I reading these signals the right way or the wrong way?" kind of way. If only I was born with the gift of mind-reading......
Eh, I guess you can't have everything.
My fricking ADHD hamster Einstein is like, spinning incessantly in his little wheel, which is supposed to be "silent," but dude, it's not. It's a lie. REFUND. I DEMAND A REFUND. Meh.
It's just a meh kind of night I guess, lol.
'Tis all....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diamonds are NOT a girls best friend...chocolate is!

'Sup bitchesss? Lol, I'm a dork.
Om nom nommm, I just ate some deeeelicious frozen cookie dough. *pats belly and smiles* It was like, chocolate with caramel chunks and some sort of nut, and it was just insanely delicious. Hence the title of today's post. Mmmmmmm....:)
But OOOH baby! I am sooo nervous for NYSSMA tomorrow. I'm doing an All-State Solo, Level 6, and BTW, this is my first year on Level 6 EVER.
I'm doing Ridente La Calma, which is a really, really lovely song. It's a lovely love song. It's so deliciously happy and lovely. :)
BUT. It's also pretty hard. Singing it is easy, sure, but it's showing expression that's really hard. I have to smise, or *smile with my eyes.* Ha. That was clever. :|
Welllllll, that's about it for today. I'll post later if anything pops into my head.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One thing I forgot to mention...

It's so nice to be freee <3
That's all!


Soooooo.....haven't been on here for 2 months and 3 days. Er....nobody missed me, so it's all good. But you know what? I have a Youtube channel now, so I figured, why not start blogging again? Not much has happened, except I got a kid suspended for being a dumbass racist and I was the town whore/napkin/wolf in Beauty in the Beast. It was a good 2 months.
I've also started to play the guitar loooooads more than I used to. I'm actually getting a lot better than I thought I would, to be quite honest. I've posted 2 videos on Youtube of me singing 2 songs that I wrote. One is called "Stargirl" and the other is just simply "Shane's Song," in honor of the wonderful Youtube phenomenon, Shane Dawson, whose grandmother recently passed away. The song could really actually be for anybody, just the line where I sing, "We love Shane, we love you, we love you..." might need to be changed a bit. ;)
Here's my channel:
To continue, I had actually posted a little Vlog on my channel, and a bunch of douchebag boys from my school created fake accounts just to be, well, to be quite honest, douches. So, I took the video down, and I might post another Vlog some other time. Dumbass boys.
Anyways, to end this post on a happy (yay!) note, I have a little quote from that man we like to call The Buddha for you...
"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule." -Buddha